Software Solutions

Roots Group is a leading provider of on-demand consulting and development services to our clients. We sharply focus on delivering key aspects to the successful software development. Our highly motivated and skilful team enables us to assume full responsibilities of project execution and give a unique edge to our clients.

Roots offer a range of licensed software. We are Authorized Dealer for the following range of products.

* Microsoft (Windows, Office, Office 365, Exchange Server, SQL, etc)

* AutoDesk (AutoCad)

* ZWcad

* Oracle

* Corel

* Checkpoint (Firewall ) / Fortinet

* Macromedia

* Adobe

* Computer Associates (ArcServe )

* Cyberoam & SonicWall / Fortinet (Firewall )

* Quick Heal

* Symantec (Norton )

* Network Associates (McAfee )

* cKaspersky

* Seagate (Crystal Reports )

* CDAC (Leap Office, I Leap )

* Red Hat Linux

*Foxit PDF Reader